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Access Unlimited Business Information Globally for Data-Driven Risk Management Processes

Is your business hampered by:

  • Unreliable data and a lack of business information on your supply chain partners?
  • Time-consuming credit risk, compliance and due diligence processes?
  • Missed opportunities due to hidden risks?

CRiS Intelligence is the ultimate global risk and business intelligence subscription platform designed to empower businesses across industries to mitigate risks, uncover non-compliant companies, and make confident decisions.

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Don’t Let Unreliable Data Derail Your Growth!

Incomplete unreliable data and limited risk visibility don't just slow your company down; they actively sabotage its growth. Without comprehensive standardised, reliable quality data, you expose your business to unnecessary risks which complicate your ability to analyse the market landscape, and develop effective strategies.

Worse yet, compliance missteps, especially in new markets, can lead to costly fines that stifle your growth and tarnish your reputation. All this is also compounded by slow, manual processes that leave you scrambling to keep up, ultimately costing you deals, partnerships, and valuable time. 

The thing is, high growth often means high-risk exposure, and the only way to navigate risk is through data. When harnessed correctly, data serves as your north star, guiding you through the maze of growth. 

Stay Ahead of the Market with Real-Time Data Insights.
Streamline compliance and mitigate risks with comprehensive, reliable data from a single platform.


Access Global Data, Rely on our Middle East and Africa Expertise

Access comprehensive corporate data on millions of companies in over 250 countries and jurisdictions and leverage our expertise in the Middle East and Africa region to drive informed global expansion and strategic partnerships.

Gain Real-Time Business Intelligence
  • Stay informed with regularly updated company profiles.
  • Gain access to live insights on over 426 million companies backed by an extensive database of accurate and reliable, date stamped and source graded information.
Customise Your Solutions

Customise CRiS Intelligence to your strategic business needs for smarter, safer business growth, by relying on our database information or credit risk and due diligence fresh investigations reports.

Overcome Data Siloes
  • Eliminate the need to gather data from multiple sources.
  • Save time and effort with our centralised platform, streamlining corporate searches and investigations.
Integrate and Automate Processes

Streamline risk investigations and onboarding with integrated, customisable solutions and automated processes.

Optimise Workflows and Case Management

Improve effectiveness by assigning tasks and monitoring team permissions using the platform functionalities.

Sign Up

With CRiS Intelligence You Can

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Manage Credit Risk

Accurately assess the creditworthiness of potential clients and customers:

  • Credit Report.
  • CR Score.
  • Credit Risk Monitoring.
  • Payment Information / History.
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Reinforce your third-party onboarding and compliance process
  • Identify shareholding and directorship structures.
  • Reveal ultimate beneficiary owners (UBOs) and affiliations between corporate and individual entities.
  • Uncover hidden connections and relationships across the subject’s supply chain.
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Extend your risk management evaluation

Conduct AML/CTF checks, background checks, enhanced due diligence (EDD) or integrity due diligence (IDD) investigations tailored to your needs, whether you onboard a high-risk customer, finalise a merger and acquisition (M&A) process or vet the recruitment of a C-Suite manager.

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Why CRiS Intelligence?

Elevate your business acumen with our:

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25+ years of global experience with unmatched Middle East and Africa insights
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Robust SaaS platform that allows for enhanced data accessibility, scalability, information reliability, and seamless integration
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Experienced team in several countries
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Customised solutions, whereby we adapt our data delivery methods to fit your unique needs.
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Adherence to ISO27001 and compliance with strict GDPR regulations
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Data integration for optimal functionality.

Innovative Solutions: A Case Study Series

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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing

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What Our Customers
Are Saying

Cedar Rose is one of our main suppliers of information in the Middle East, North Africa, and Eastern Mediterranean region. We’re highly satisfied with the quality of reports as well as delivery speed .

Cedar Rose's business information services have been instrumental in helping our company make informed decisions and achieve our business goals. Their data analytics team has provided us with comprehensive and accurate insights that have exceeded our expectations.

Get in Touch

Ready to elevate your risk management and business intelligence strategies?
Contact us today and let’s work together to build a safer, more informed business environment.