Cedar Rose Int. Services Ltd is ISO 27001 certified. Find out more details

Cedar Rose offers up-to-date company credit reports and business information reports from over 250 countries and jurisdictions.

Use our Entity Search functionality for an instant search on any company or individual in our comprehensive, global database within CRiS Intelligence Platform.

If you require a fresh investigation with information tailored to your business, our specialist research team will be happy to conduct and deliver the investigation from 60 Euros taking between 1 and 10 business days.


Credit Risk Reports

Cedar Rose Credit Risk Reports are priced competitively and provide you with a comprehensive picture on the financial health and credit risk of your customers, partners or suppliers. With full and accurate information on your business network you can plan more confidently, avoiding the common issues of potential bad debt or unpaid/overdue invoices.

Our CR Score summary tool uses the very latest AI and data analysed with complex algorithms to present information to you in a highly visual, simple to follow format so you can make informed decisions on who you do business with.


Key Benefits


Flexible turnaround times

Save money by choosing slower delivery or order a fresh investigation by the next working day.


Instant Credit Report

Get an instant credit score and analysis now from our available data.


Easy-to-read, visual format

Our reports are easy to read and understand, allowing you to identify potential issues and improve your decision-making and business efficiency.


Tried and tested

Cedar Rose has invested many years of design, planning and robust solution testing to ensure that our reports are reliable and accurate.


Comprehensive analysis

We use over 20 fields of data that are analysed using our unique algorithm to provide you with reports that are complete and comprehensive.

Credit Monitoring

The business world can change fast. Cedar Rose can alert you instantly if one of the businesses on your report changes status. With instant status updates on bankruptcy, liquidation, change of ownership, legal status, or reduction in financial standing you can take appropriate and timely actions for your business.

Ongoing annual credit monitoring can be added to your reports so that you always have the most recent data to help you automate your credit risk management activities.


Trade Rate Your Customer

Use our robust and verified rating system to mitigate the risks of late payments. We invite anyone who finds their customer listed in our database to rate their payment experience and join our Trade Rate Scheme.

Reduce the risk of late payments with the verified and collective experience of suppliers and vendors.

Avoid cashflow issues that come with late payments by researching any individual company’s reputation in advance.

Be part of this scheme and join the global action for prompt payments.

Download the brochure to find out more about Cedar Rose Credit Risk Reports.

Talk to an expert to find out more about how Cedar Rose can help you with your credit risk needs.