Cedar Rose Int. Services Ltd is ISO 27001 certified. Find out more details


49.7+ million

Corporate Entities' Records


1.6+ million

Credit Ratings

(CR Score)


4+ million

Sales and Marketing Leads (Company contact details)

hand shake

32.6+ million

Director and Shareholder Records


10.5+ million

Ultimate Beneficiary Owner Records

Enhance your global coverage, drive decision making and increase sales

Advancing your initiatives and achieving ambitious business objectives relies on access to global data you can trust.

The solution is Cedar Rose. With your Cedar Rose data licence, gain complete access to our vast repository of data, including the world’s largest database of authoritative and accurate business information.

Discover detailed data tailored to your requirements; director and shareholder records, credit ratings, links between companies and individuals, entity hierarchy data and more.

As a trusted data source for data resellers and enterprise-level customers, exceptional customer focus and data privacy are at the heart of what we do. Our data is reliable, verified and adheres strictly to GDPR compliance and other related regulations.

Whether you need to enrich your data, strengthen your sales efforts, conduct effective industry research, or assess potential clients and partners - use our data to your advantage.

Key Benefits


Language Barriers

Language diversity is a challenge in the Emerging Markets and Countries, and that is why we invest in translating and transliterating the data from local languages into English and Romanised characters.


Reliable and Validated Data

Our advanced Al-modeling technology ensures data comprehensiveness, and our algorithm-driven regular quality checks enable us to automatically spot data errors, anomalies, and inconsistencies (such as incorrect entries, contradiction, duplication, and missing information) that are resolved by our data quality experts.



Our data can be integrated into your workflow, processes or internal systems. A wide range of professionals and specialists can benefit from the flexibility to manipulate and interrogate the data based on their needs, while receiving incremental data updates via API or via SFTP according to their schedule.



Ensure that the data you receive is suited to your business needs and meets your requirements. Save valuable time and effort by licensing data that are tailored to the exact data points and countries/regions your business is interested in.



Reliability is at the heart of our data solutions. We gather our data from the most reliable and verified sources, and we provide our clients with a date stamp and source grading system for every data point. This gives you peace of mind knowing that you are working with most robust and accurate data available.



Efficiency is a critical factor in any data management process. With scheduled fast, reliable, and secure data delivery, our solution streamlines your data management process and saves you time, resources and reduces the risk of human error. This allows you to focus on other important business tasks.



Scalability is an important consideration for any business. With the ability to quickly scale up to accommodate changes in your data requirements, you can be confident that your data infrastructure will support your business growth and success.

Download the brochure to find out more about Cedar Rose Data Licensing

Increase your global reach and make confident strategic business decisions by accessing Cedar Rose’s database of over 49 million business records.