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Electronic Identity Verification is being increasingly utilized by companies to instantly verify whether identity information provided by individuals and businesses are legitimate. This risk management solution can instantly confirm the identity of an individual (KYC) or of a business (KYB) resulting in faster customer onboarding processes.


Verify the identity of an individual instantly with CR Identify


Build trust in any new business relationship faster with CR KYB

Who is it for?

How it works


Fintech Companies

Gaming Companies

Forex Companies

E-Commerce Providers

Payment Processors

Identity verification process


Connect via API

Connect your system directly to ours, accessing data on over 175 countries via our flexible and established API.


User enters identification data

Connect your system directly to ours, accessing data on over 5.9 billion individuals and over 426 million companies, via our flexible and established API.


Identification data instantly checked

The inputted data is then instantly checked across our database of individuals (for KYC) or companies (for KYB), until an accurate and conclusive result is found.


Instant match / no match results

Identification data is checked and one of three results is instantly returned. Either a match, where the result is verified, a partial match where some data points submitted have been verfied, or a no match, where the result has not been verified.

Speak to our team today to find out how Cedar Rose electronic identification services can help you streamline your onboarding processes.